Friday, October 05, 2007

Back To Life (Back To Reality)

So... I decided to write a random blog about how things are going in my life right now, for those of you who don't get to read my preferred list blogs.

First off, as far as school is going, I am having a fantastic year. I am doing really well in my classes and have high grades in ALL of them. It feels good to being doing well for once, and I don't even feel stressed out by school, really. I mean, sure... there is a little stressed to get readings and such done, but thats about it. I haven't been precrastinating things this semester, for spending hours upon end online. Lol. I love it. I especially ADORE my Jewish Scriptures class. Tehe.

Also, my job is still pretty much amazing, as well. I love it. I am picking up a lot of hours here lately because of homecoming (causing me to work 3 weekends in a row... *Sigh*). It sucks, but at the same time... it's more money. *Smiles*. Gotta love that...

Speaking of money, *ugh*. I have been waiting for MONTHS to get this stupid loan that I am applying for to come through, and I think I finally got somewhere with it. Lol. They are supposed to give me a decision on Monday! YEY! Lol. It's just frustrating, I suppose. Anyway, once it comes thought, I will be SO HAPPY! Lol. We are talking MAJOR financial relief. YEY!

As far as my friendships go, with it being the school year, I am starting to feel distant from my friends, yet again. *Sigh*. O well, its normal for me during the school year, I guess. I just... miss everyone. I miss seeing my A-Bear, Wifey (A-way), Pookie, and just... everyone!

Cory and I are doing well again. Lol. He finally was able to talk to me about me coming down there and such... im excited. *Smiles*. I can't wait. I miss him so much (as I am sure most of you know by now). Lol. Also, my mom finally told me that she will accept it, if I do marry him, in which, I truly do want to. I love Cory... and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Just hearing his voice is enough to keep me smiling for DAYS!

Other than that, there isn't really a whole lot of stuff going on in my life. I have just been pretty with work, and school, and hall council. BTW, if I didn't tell you all, I made Hall Council Exec. Board again this year. I am the treasurer this year... YEY! Lol. I like it A LOT better. *Smiles*. I love living in Park Hall....

Kate and I decorated our door today for Halloween, lol, it was fun. I am not much into the holiday, but Kate is, and I love a decorated Door, so... we did it. I love it. *Smiles*.

BTW, Kate let me try on her wedding dress (she is using it as a FORMAL for Rainbow Girls), and we had WAY TOO much fun. Lol. I LOVE YOU KATE! Your an awesome roomie... *Mwah*
Welp, thats about all that I have been up to, you all. I just wanted to update you all, and let you know how things were going.

O yea, and if you haven't seen "Good Luck Chuck", GO SEE IT! Kate and I have seen it 3 times now, and I love it. Lol. It's TOO DAMN FUNNY! Dane Cook is simply amazing... Hahaha... gotta love him.

Well, I love you all... and until next time....

<3 Heidi Marie

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