Friday, October 12, 2007

It's Times Like This That Just Make Me SMILE

Wow, ok, so... I obviously have a lot to get off of my chest right now. For those of you who haven't been keeping up with recent events, my brother's "Fiance", or whatever you want to call her, has, once again, started crap with me and my family. Its quite annoying. However, Im not going to sit here and tell you guys ALL ABOUT IT. Im not like that. But, just know, they are driving me NUTS!

Also, last night, although it was my original night off, I had to work Night Staff with a good friend of mine, Candace. It was SO MUCH FUN! I love that girl. We talked for about 3 hours straight about life, love, friendship, and... girls at or school who have been recently arrested for violence.
First off, if you don't know, these five little bitches jumped this girl here on campus at an off campus party. They beat the crap out of her and landed her in the hospital. How retarded is that?

Trust me... I know the feelig of wanting to result to violence... but... what does it solve? Really? Im not the "fighting" type, I guess.

So, anyway, that situation, and homecoming, have been the two major things going on around campus. I swear, people like those girls, piss me off.

Also, when I explained to my friend Candace and the personal stuff going on in my life, she assured me that I did the write thing in taking a stand. She was like, "She is lucky you were as nice as you were", and "I would have said a lot more if someone said those things about anyone in my family, much less my MOM". So, that made me smile and also made me think.

I am proud that I have awesome friends, like Candace, in my life. It makes me feel like there is hope for this world, after all. Sometimes... I just... tend to lose faith in certain people... and it makes me feel bad about the future of this country... and much less... out planet. But, people like the wonderful friends that I have, such as Candace, are amazing... and make me feel better.

We WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD, you all... I assure you!

Anyway, all of this talk with Candace got me thinking about my life, and myself as a person. Look, you all, I realize that I may not come off as the nicest person ever, but... trust me.... I am often mis-judged. I can be the nicest person you will EVER meet or the biggest bitch/cunt in this world, depending on how YOU treat me. Ask anyone that truly "knows" me. I don't take shit from people, and I stand up for whom and what I believe in and love. Pardon me, if I don't see that as a character flaw. If you all think im "immature" just becuase of that, well... fuck you people. Who in the hell are YOU to judge. I can give MANY expamples off of the top of my head of people who are FAR WORSE than I am. So, get real people.

I love life... and I hate when people make me lose faith in it.... and trust me...

Don't rain on my parade
Cause, I will thrown a TSUNAMI on yours....

Im done dealing with people's bullshit. And for those of you who think your have the right to judge me, well.... like I said before....

Sweetie, as much as you like to this it is
You aproval ISN'T needed....

Get over it, you all. I have a right to say the things I say and I have a right to do what I want in this world.

And over all, I am a good person, and people love me. And those who don't, well... its usually because they don't like the opinion I have formed of them and try to justify it by talking shit about Me. Well, forget it.

So, bottom line, I am going to start being more optimistic about life and I want to make a REAL effort to maintain my friendships. I love my friends, ALL of you, and I miss being close to some of you.

But, anyway, I love you all. I am heading to dinner now... I will write more later.

Loves you... and until next time...

<3 Heidi

P.S. 14 days til FLORIDA w/ LCpl Chapman! Lol.

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