Sunday, January 13, 2008

We All Get What We Ask For (Sooner Or Later)

It really is true, you all. Sooner or later, we all do get what were asking for. And for me, that time is now, and I am so glad that I took the time to do what it takes to make myself happy. I am loving life for the most part right now. *Smiles*. So, here is an update on my life for ya.

Well, peeps, I am all moved into my apartment here at USI and I LOVE IT. You know, it feels so surreal, honestly. I never thought in a millions years that I was capable of making so many life decisons in such a short time that would result in me being the happiest I have EVER been. And, truth is, I honestly mean that. Ya know? Its just like a fairytail... yet certain things in my life remind me that.... YES.... this is reality. Haha.

As far as my classes, I have already got my schedule made out for this semester and I pretty much think that I am going to love the SHIT out of it. Haha. Seriously, the classes that I am taking truly interest me... and its awesome. Here is my schedule. Tell me what you think?

* Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays *
10am - 10:50am - Social Construction of Drugs (Soc. 370. - 003)1pm - 1:50pm - Sociology of Deviant Behavior (Soc. 426)2pm - 2:50pm - Sociology of Gender and Society (Soc. 431)

* Tuesdays, and Thursdays *
10:30am - 11:45am - Intro. To American Political Science (Pols. 102)3pm - 4:15pm - U.S. History Since 1865 (Hist. 102)

So, as you all can see, in reguards to my sociology classes, I am gonna friggen ADORE going to class. Haha. I love those topics in sociology classes, which is part of the reason that I am a soc. major. Ya know? Those classes are gonna be pretty much amazing, and I have even hears good things about a few of my professors from other students here, and they said it was a good choice. *Smiles*. It makes me really happy and ready for school. The only class this semester that I may not like is the history class, but.... oh well. It's a core class, so I have to take it. Lol. I CAN'T WAIT TIL TOMORROW TO SEE WHAT MY CLASSES ARE LIKE. YEY! Lol...

Another pretty much amazing thing in my life right now, is the fact that I started a new job. Haha. I think I am going to love it as well. I am working at the Circle K w/ my best friend, Erin, and so far.... I like what I am seen. They are willing to work with my schedule and make sure that I am getting time off for classes and school and such. I am so happy about that. I love it. Come visit me there sometime, you all. Lol. Ok?

When it comes to my friendships, I couldn't be happier either. I am finally getting to talk to and hang out with friends because, guess what... I AM RIGHT HERE IN EVANSVILLE WITH THEM. Haha. Sure, I miss BSU, but.... not much right now. I miss the PEOPLE... not the place. And, I will make the adjustment.

Right now... I just love my friends. Especially my Chica, Erin.... and my wifey Andrea... whom I ADORE with all my heart. They are amazing people, you all and I am SO LUCKY to have friends like them. *Mwah*. Love you girls!

Ok, so... now to the "not so good" news. Robbie can't take leave as soon as he thought he was going to be able to, due to some classes and such that he has to be on base for. I will admit, im a little bummed about it, but... its all good. I am still MORE THAN happy with him. Plus, I will get to see him in the summer, more than likely. Its not so bad. I mean, sure, the newness of the relationship has wore off at this point, but... my feelings for him have never been stronger. I still couldn't be happier... and, I am falling for him pretty quick, to be honest. He is just... amazingly understanding and just... incredible.


Other than that, there really isn't a whole lot going on in my life right now. Im just... too damn happy with my decision lately for words to explain and it makes me smile. I can't wait for the semester and.... this is seriously going to be the best semester EVER. Haha.

Oh yea, and... if your a guy and your jealous of Robbie, please.... keep that shit to yourself. Trust me, its not like you have a chance with me, anyhow. Honestly. I am so sick of people talkin shit about my relationship, and... im not putting up with it. I refuse to let it alter my mood in any way whatsoever. Haha. *Smiles*. So, suck it up... and get the fuck over it. You got something to say? Well, then... say it to yourself in the mirror or something, cause im not listening to it. I AM WITH ROBBIE, and not you... for a reason. Assoles. Your lucky this hasn't pissed me off yet and Robbie pretty much hasn't wanted me to say anything.

Anyway, I love you all... and I have to get going, because I am going shopping with my momma. Haha.

I will write more laterz...

Peace, Love, And Chicken Grease,
Heidi Marie

Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'm Feeling Right Where I Belong With YOU

So... If you all haven't listened to my new profile song... "First Time" by Lifehouse then, please... do yourself a favor... go do it now. Lol. The song is amazing, but more than that, it truly is how I feel right now. *Smiles*. Seriously, the band is incredible and I think everyone will love the song.

Seriously, you all, im not kidding you when I say that I have never been happier than I am right now. I MEAN IT. For several reasons. One being Robbie and the fact that he is the best boyfriend EVER (Haha) and I am amazed that he actually cares about me just as much as I care about him... and puts up with my crap. *Sigh*.

I was thinking today, and... I can be such a mean ass to people, and I hate that about myself. So, I starting thinking to myself today, what if I lose Robbie because of that? What if im not a good enough gf and he deserves BETTER. Ya know? A while ago, I would have been ok with that, but now... I can't be.

I don't ever want to lost Robbie. He means to much to me. Honestly.

I mean, I know that we arent in love, but... I just... want to be with him as long as he will allow me to, I suppose. I love him, I really do. So, lets just hope that I don't scare him off and ruin a damn good thing like I have before in my past. *Sigh*. Im scared of that... yet... it feels so amazing. Its like falling in love all over again and... it just... feels... RIGHT.

Robbie: I hope that I haven't been too mean and bitchy lately. Im sorry. Im a spoiled brat. I know. But, truth is... I don't want to lose you. I love you and... I hope that I make you as happy as you make me, baby. We are amazing together and... I couldn't ask for more. I know its still a new relaionship and I can be a pain in the ass at times... but this just... Feels right. I can't wait to see you... and like I said... I LOVE YOU!

So... aside from my relationship feeling "right where I belong", I have some more great news, you all. guess what? Are you ready for it? Lol...

NO MORE Ball State For Heidi! As of this coming semester, I am transferring to USI and will be back in Evansville.

Haha, thats right peoples. IM BACK! So... im pretty excited. I just needed to make the decision to come home for ME. Noone else. It is what will make me happy. *Smiles*. I go Saturday to get my stuff out of my dorm at BSU and move it all back home. I will be living on campus at USI this coming semester. It's pretty much going to be amazing. Haha. And that means... I expect to hang out with my friends more. Ya know? I miss you peoples! And... I love you all.

Welp, thats about all that is going on in my life right now, you all. Im just... incredibly happy and... I love my life right now. I couldn't be happier and I feel like I am right where I belong.

Love you all... and miss you guys... until next time..

Peace Out,Heidi Marie <33

P.S. Living life for yourself and noone else ROCKS My SOX! Haha.... life is amazing! Im finally doing things for MYSELF for a change....