Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'm Feeling Right Where I Belong With YOU

So... If you all haven't listened to my new profile song... "First Time" by Lifehouse then, please... do yourself a favor... go do it now. Lol. The song is amazing, but more than that, it truly is how I feel right now. *Smiles*. Seriously, the band is incredible and I think everyone will love the song.

Seriously, you all, im not kidding you when I say that I have never been happier than I am right now. I MEAN IT. For several reasons. One being Robbie and the fact that he is the best boyfriend EVER (Haha) and I am amazed that he actually cares about me just as much as I care about him... and puts up with my crap. *Sigh*.

I was thinking today, and... I can be such a mean ass to people, and I hate that about myself. So, I starting thinking to myself today, what if I lose Robbie because of that? What if im not a good enough gf and he deserves BETTER. Ya know? A while ago, I would have been ok with that, but now... I can't be.

I don't ever want to lost Robbie. He means to much to me. Honestly.

I mean, I know that we arent in love, but... I just... want to be with him as long as he will allow me to, I suppose. I love him, I really do. So, lets just hope that I don't scare him off and ruin a damn good thing like I have before in my past. *Sigh*. Im scared of that... yet... it feels so amazing. Its like falling in love all over again and... it just... feels... RIGHT.

Robbie: I hope that I haven't been too mean and bitchy lately. Im sorry. Im a spoiled brat. I know. But, truth is... I don't want to lose you. I love you and... I hope that I make you as happy as you make me, baby. We are amazing together and... I couldn't ask for more. I know its still a new relaionship and I can be a pain in the ass at times... but this just... Feels right. I can't wait to see you... and like I said... I LOVE YOU!

So... aside from my relationship feeling "right where I belong", I have some more great news, you all. guess what? Are you ready for it? Lol...

NO MORE Ball State For Heidi! As of this coming semester, I am transferring to USI and will be back in Evansville.

Haha, thats right peoples. IM BACK! So... im pretty excited. I just needed to make the decision to come home for ME. Noone else. It is what will make me happy. *Smiles*. I go Saturday to get my stuff out of my dorm at BSU and move it all back home. I will be living on campus at USI this coming semester. It's pretty much going to be amazing. Haha. And that means... I expect to hang out with my friends more. Ya know? I miss you peoples! And... I love you all.

Welp, thats about all that is going on in my life right now, you all. Im just... incredibly happy and... I love my life right now. I couldn't be happier and I feel like I am right where I belong.

Love you all... and miss you guys... until next time..

Peace Out,Heidi Marie <33

P.S. Living life for yourself and noone else ROCKS My SOX! Haha.... life is amazing! Im finally doing things for MYSELF for a change....

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